Mexican blankets and serapes are known for their vibrant colors and intricate designs. They are popular decorative items for homes and clothing accessories for outdoor activities such as camping and picnics.

Cleaning these items can be a challenge, especially if you don’t know the proper way to wash them. In this article, we will discuss how to wash a Mexican blanket and a Mexican serape, providing you with tips and tricks to keep them looking their best.

Section 1: How to Wash a Mexican Blanket?

How to Wash a Mexican Blanket?

Step 1: Check the Care Label

Check the care label for any specific washing instructions. Some blankets may require special care, such as dry cleaning or hand washing. If there are no specific instructions, proceed to the next step.

Step 2: Pre-treat Stains

If there are any visible stains on the blanket, pre-treat them with a stain remover before washing them. Apply the stain remover directly to the stain and let it sit for 5-10 minutes before washing.

Step 3: Choose a Gentle Detergent

When washing your Mexican blanket, choose a gentle detergent that is free of bleach and fabric softeners. Harsh chemicals can damage the fibers and colors of the blanket.

Step 4: Use Cold Water

Mexican blankets should be washed in cold water to prevent shrinkage and color fading. Hot water can cause the colors to bleed and fade, ruining the intricate design of the blanket.

Step 5: Wash in the Gentle Cycle

Set your washing machine on a gentle cycle. It prevents damaging the blanket. If your washing machine does not have a gentle cycle, use the delicate or hand wash cycle instead.

Step 6: Air Dry

After washing, air-dry your Mexican blankets to avoid shrinkage and damage. Don’t put the blanket in the dryer or hang it in direct sunlight. This can cause the colors to fade.

People also read: UGG Blanket Washing Tips!

Section 2: How to Wash a Mexican Serape?

How to Wash a Mexican Serape?

Step 1: Check the Care Label

Like Mexican blankets, Mexican serapes may have specific care instructions on the care label. If there are no specific instructions, proceed ahead.

Step 2: Shake Off Debris

Before washing your Mexican serape, shake it off to remove any debris such as dust or dirt.

Step 3: Pre-treat Stains

If there are any stains on the serape, pre-treat them with a stain remover before washing them. Apply the stain remover and let it sit like Mexican blankets.

Step 4: Choose a Mild Detergent

Use a mild detergent that is free of any harsh chemicals when washing your Mexican serape. These damages the fibers and colors of the serape.

Step 5: Use Cold Water

Always use cold water while serapes cleaning. It will keep them much better than using hot water.

Step 6: Hand Wash or Use a Delicate Cycle

You can hand wash Mexican serapes or wash them on the delicate cycle of your washing machine. If using the washing machine, place the serape in a mesh laundry bag to prevent damage.

Step 7: Air Dry

Mexican serapes should be air-dried to keep them in the best for a long time. Because the dryer causes the colors to fade.


Q: Can I use fabric softener when washing my Mexican blanket or serape?

A: No, we don’t recommend you use fabric softener when washing Mexican blankets or serapes as it can damage the fibers and colors.

Q: How often should I wash my Mexican blanket or serape?

A: As a general rule, you should wash Mexican blankets and serapes every 3-6 months or when visibly dirty.

Q: How do I store my Mexican blanket or serape?

A: Store Mexican blankets and serapes in a cool, dry place. Avoid folding the item in the same place repeatedly. This can cause creases and damage to the fibers. Instead, roll the item up and store it in a breathable bag or container.


Mexican blankets and serapes are beautiful decorative items and clothing accessories, but cleaning them can be tricky. It is essential to follow proper washing instructions to keep them looking vibrant and in good condition.

By following the tips provided in this article, you can wash a Mexican blanket and serapes with ease and keep them looking their best for years to come.

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